The World According to Ploy

January 8, 2009

First Things First

Filed under: Uncategorized — by Ploy @ 2:58 pm

Let’s set up some ground rules/facts here:

1) There is no coherent theme to this blog. This is not a “Food Blog” or a “Fashion Blog” or a “Beauty Blog”. It is a “Random Blog”

2) Topics usually will be drawn from my daily life experiences; however, if you prefer to view my opinion on something specific, say, bungee jumping, do not hesistate to tell me, and I will try to accomodate you. (This accomodation process will go very smoothly if you provide me with the funds needed to do the specific something.)

3) While the language in this blog will usually be mild and safe for the wee ones, I blaspheme quite often, and a string of curses can and will appear when I am extremely angry.

4) I don’t post on a daily basis. Really, what is there to write on days when nothing happens? As exciting as my life is, surely, it does not rain chickens everyday.

5) The name of this blog was thought up by Chaitee T. He told me that perhaps I should compile my notes into a book called “The World According to Ploy”. Today, I’ve had quite a few people suggest that I start a blog, so I took it as a sign from above, and here we are, and that name I chose. You must admit it is waaaaaaaaaay chic-er than “Ploy’s Blog”, less lame than “Ployosophy”, and much more sane than “PLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOYPLOY”. Thanks again for the name!

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